Archive by Author

Power of Sprouts

Utilizing a powerhouse nutrient packed in broccoli seeds to help us combat the toxins we face. Playing outside has been one of my healthiest forms of movement throughout life. Always either conditioning barefoot in the sand, climbing in the mountains, or surfing cold salt water. Fast forward to studying biochemistry, I realized this lifestyle tapped […]

CBD – A Way to Balance Intensity and Recovery

Localized anti-inflammatory synergistic with your body 5 Noteworthy Benefits Anti-inflammatory Pain relief Reduce anxiety and depression Heart health [1] Insomnia treatment What is CBD Cannabidiol is a chemical compound naturally occurring in cannabis. It is structurally different than THC in away that leaves it unable to bind to CB1 receptors, which are the receptors responsible […]

Beyond Water

Every morning I wake up and drink 16-32 oz before a light breakfast. The first day I made this switch from downing oatmeal to hydrating and waiting a bit before eating, I found serious digestion benefits, a decrease in sluggish feelings, and noticeable energy increases. I’ve gotten a lot of questions lately on what I […]

Competing in India

8:50pm  Board a flight New York – Mumbai 8:51pm   Arrive in Mumbai International Airport (14 hrs later…) 9:46pm  Start sweating immediately as I stepped outside to meet my driver to the hotel. 10:11pm  Crash course in India travel – cars don’t use lanes, constant horns, and mopeds zipping through everywhere!   11:01pm  Arrive and unpack at […]

Climbing Puerto Rico

A few things to note: This is Puerto Rico – Not Costa Rica The island is scattered with granite boulders in fields, boulders in the jungle, boulders on hills made of more boulders on boulders Yes, it felt like I was in a sauna But look at these blocks ; ) Previously in 2015, Josh […]

© Scott Hall

Power of Cacao

I’ve never been a big coffee drinker. Or really even caffeine in general. This past year I started branching out and testing how I feel after different amounts of sleep, various morning routines, and pre-workout energy options. One that I have stuck with is hot chocolate!     I noticed that Amazing Grass and other “superfood” […]